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Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 9:00-18:00
Saturday: 9-00-14-00
Sunday is a day off

Personal data protection

1. When registering in the online store and making purchases, autovaruosad.ee stores the client’s personal data (first and last name, mail and e-mail addresses, contact phone number) and all information about the purchases made. All data received from the client during the ordering process is considered by autovaruosad.ee as personal data of the client and is processed as confidential information in accordance with the Law on the Processing of Personal Data for better purchasing planning and analysis of consumer habits. autovaruosad.ee does not transfer any of the received data to third parties, with the exception of the minimum data necessary to organize the delivery of goods.

2.The use of an encrypted data transmission channel between autovaruosad.ee and banks ensures that no outsider, including autovaruosad.ee, gains access to the client’s personal bank details.

3. The client has the right to view the data at the disposal of autovaruosad.ee, as well as to prohibit their further processing.